
interview with an author

I met with writer Helle Vincentz at a café some weeks ago and asked her some questions about writing. These are some of the answers I got.

When did you start writing, and when did you decide you would write for a living?
I have always known that I would write for a living. At first I worked as a journalist writing about business, but I became frustrated that I couldn't use all my academic and creative skills. That was when I started writing books.

Do you discover the story as you write or do you already have the plot in your head?
I have an overall idea of the story, but most of it I discover as I write. You can't just wait for inspiration, you have to sit down and write or you won't get anywhere.

Do you have a routine?
In the period where I am working on a book, I write everyday. I write from the morning until the afternoon - it's like a normal job. However as an author you need more self-discipline to get work done.

How long does it take you to write a book?
Less than a year with breaks. I think that's normal for a book with 300-400 pages, but I also know many authors who need more than a year.

What is it in your stories that drives you?
The plot. I become inspired by events in real life or things that come on the news. My imagination sees an opportunity for something to happen.

What do you focus on in your writing, your plot or your writing style?
I write thrillers and crime fiction, so in my writing I focus on my plot. My plots are also what I am recognized for, what sets me apart. However I enjoy reading other books with a good writing style.

Why is writing important?
I think my writing can contribute with information about other parts of the world, such as where there is corruption. For me it means that I can put all my skills to use, both creative and academic.

What's the best and worst part about working as a writer?
There's the joy of the writing process. I also like traveling to research for books. It's wonderful to receive good reviews and fan mail too. But I get one bad review, for something I've spent almost an year on, and I can cry for days.

Helle Vincentz is the creator of a series of thrillers about a fictional Danish oil company. She has published two critically acclaimed books (Den afrikanske jomfru, Den filippinske pirat) and her third book, Nukaakas kabale is due on November 1.

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