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At the moment I am playing two new albums on repeat.

Agnes Obel made her debut with the minimalistic Philharmonics three years ago. Back then I was hypnotized by her coarse voice and melodies, which I hadn't heard anything similar to and yet seemed familiar. 'Beautiful' doesn't come close to describing that album. Although I could probably go on listening to Philharmonics forever, I didn't mind another Agnes Obel album when it came. Aventine is composed with just as much care as Philharmonics, but it wouldn't be fair to compare the two. The two albums are created before and after the shy Danish artist became world famous, so the inspiration and background for the tracks are completely different. In my head, Philharmonics and Aventine are like Bon Iver's For Emma, Forever Ago and Bon Iver in the way they illustrate the artist's transition. (Hopefully Aventine won't be the last album too.)

A lot of praise has already been showered on AM, Arctic Monkeys' fifth album. I was actually not very excited for it at first - however, Do I Wanna Know? was unavoidable on Tumblr, so after a few listens I was addicted to the song too. I think Arctic Monkeys have tried to reinvent themselves on AM. First of all the album is recorded in LA, where the previous three were recorded in England. Their sound is more world-famous-rockstar quality, or as I hate saying: mainstream. But this album is so good that I honestly don't care. As long as Alex Turner's singing, Arctic Monkeys are still my favorite to listen to whenever I want to feel even more like a teenager.

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