
pink and pretty

A guilty pleasure of mine is fashion. Every single day I click on fashion blogs and fill my head with pictures of overpriced bags. I can't explain why I do this, as I'm actually against a lot of what the fashion industry represents. The world would be a better place if we all didn't have to think about fashion - although it wouldn't be as well dressed. I think what I find fascinating about fashion is the personality behind the perfectly trimmed nails and labels. Fashion bloggers have as interesting opinions and unique ways to life as musicians and authors. In my book they count as artists.

This might explain why I carry the same enthusiasm for Alexa Chung's book It as for a new CD or a "real" book. Although I didn't quite know it before opening the book, Alexa Chung is the fashion girl above them all. She is a supermodel and a style icon, and on first names with Karl Lagerfeld and Anna Wintour. In It she has made a sort of collage about her version of fashion, which doesn't come near describing what the book is actually about. The book is a mess but in a good way, and I think that is the reason why she has chosen a title that can mean anything.

It is a book about people and looks that inspire Alexa. It's a book about her favorite wardrobe items. It's a book with tips on how to dress yourself in the mornings and at night. It is incredibly inspiring although I have no explanation for it. And it isn't needed. You just have to enjoy the pictures, the words and the beautiful Alexa's thoughts.


  1. Jeg kan sagtens sætte mig ind i din fascination. Jeg følger også flere fashion-blogs, som jeg bliver direkte irriterede over, hver gang jeg er inde på dem - men alligevel giver det mig et eller andet kick, så jeg ikke kan lade være!

  2. Præcis. Det er ligesom slik for øjnene
