
dorks and misfits

Freaks and Geeks is like one of those at first glance repulsive sweaters in secondhand stores that turn out to be really comfortable and end up being your most loved item, even though you only wear them at home.

After seeing it mentioned on the internet I decided to try it out, and now I'm happily obsessed. The show seems to understand teenagers and their troubles - how it's hard to be yourself and at the same time fit in in a world of categories and cliques. Apart from that, it's charming, funny and I thoroughly enjoy every episode. In my opinion it might be the best and most honest teenage TV show out there.

Although I love the show, I'm holding back on watching too many episodes at a time. The reason is this: the show only aired for one season, which means that there are only 18 episodes. I try to savour them, but I know that once I'm finished I'll probably just watch it again, and again, and again.

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